On today’s show, I’m talking with Paul Klein, who has moved through the business world into consulting. Paul’s story is a very common one, he worked in the corporate world for 18 years and around the age of 40, realized how unhappy he had become and decided to make a change. Although he was experiencing…Continue reading Episode 129 | Pricing is Positioning with Paul Klein
Author: maryvalloni
Episode 128 | How to Build a Strong Board with Mary Hiland
On today’s show, I interview Mary Hiland with Hiland Consulting. Mary has been involved with nonprofit organizations for more than 40 years. She went from volunteer to staff to executive director. Mary led two mergers of her nonprofit with 530 staff and has worked with budgets ranging from $100,000-$26 million. Mary is now a consultant and coach for…Continue reading Episode 128 | How to Build a Strong Board with Mary Hiland
Episode 127 | Is Motivation Garbage?
If you’re anything like me, you love good motivation. We’re told we need to motivate our teams, our volunteers, ourselves, but is it actually garbage? The definition of motivation is the desire or willingness to do something. Motivation Garbage comes from Mel Robins and her book The 5 Second Rule. She says motivation is garbage…Continue reading Episode 127 | Is Motivation Garbage?
Episode 126 | 7 Questions to Ask Yourself To Harness Your Zone of Genius
Your Zone of Genius is the intersection of your interests, passions and skills and ultimately result in your superpower or your zone of genius. On today’s show we tackle the 7 questions to ask yourself to harness your zone of genius. To start let’s review the four main operating zones as described in Gay Hendricks…Continue reading Episode 126 | 7 Questions to Ask Yourself To Harness Your Zone of Genius
Episode 125 | The One Thing I Did to Make My Dream Home a Reality and How I Used The Same Thing to Raise Millions
Over the last two years, my husband and I have been in the process of building our dream home. It all started when I did this one thing…I made a decision! To make a decision means you’re cutting off all other options to achieve your goal/dream. For me, I wrote a personal check to myself for $250,000 and…Continue reading Episode 125 | The One Thing I Did to Make My Dream Home a Reality and How I Used The Same Thing to Raise Millions
Episode 124 | How I Raised More Than $500,000 In Less Than 3 Months with No Printed Invitations and Only 50 Guests
I modeled this fundraiser off of a conference I recently attended. The conference felt so special and exclusive and that’s how I wanted the guests to feel at this fundraiser. I always want every person – donors, staff members, and volunteers alike – to feel special and like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. I wanted…Continue reading Episode 124 | How I Raised More Than $500,000 In Less Than 3 Months with No Printed Invitations and Only 50 Guests
Episode 123 | Philanthropic Giving with Arlene Cogen
Arlene Cogen spent more than 20 years in the trust and investment services industry, and 9 years in non-profit development. She is a sought-after speaker and coach as well as a certified financial planner. Arlene is also the author of Give to Live: Make A Charitable Gift You Never Imagined. Why is philanthropic giving so important? People give to causes for…Continue reading Episode 123 | Philanthropic Giving with Arlene Cogen
Episode 122 | Effective Stewardship with David Baker
David Baker is a recovering lawyer who has provided comprehensive fund development services to nonprofits, social service agencies, churches, and libraries for over 20 years. David has raised hundreds of millions of dollars through major gift efforts. He has consulted with organizations in California, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Georgia, Tennessee, Utah, Arkansas and more for capital and endowment campaigns, comprehensive fundraising efforts, planned giving, development…Continue reading Episode 122 | Effective Stewardship with David Baker
Episode 121 | Enneagram and Intentionality with Teresa McCloy
Culture in the U.S. is driven by success and the Enneagram teaches that every type has a driver/motivator. Teresa McCloy has been married to her husband Dale for 36 years and live on a 3rd generation family grain farm in Central Illinois. Now that she’s living and leading her passion, the joy has returned to her everyday, ordinary REALIFE! It continues to be a process and she wants you to feel the…Continue reading Episode 121 | Enneagram and Intentionality with Teresa McCloy
Episode 120 | Strategic Planning with Joel Kessel
Today’s guest is my dear friend and new business partner, Joel Kessel. I love talking strategy and in this episode Joel shares his 8-Steps to a successful strategic plan including: Step 1 ==> Plan-To-Plan Step 2 ==> Environmental Scan Step 3 ==> Ideal Future Vision Step 4 ==> Current State Assessment Step 5 ==> Areas…Continue reading Episode 120 | Strategic Planning with Joel Kessel
Episode 119 | 5 Ways to Enjoy the Journey Towards Your Fundraising Goal
In today’s episode we address the very common desire to want to jump right to our final destination. Of course we want to raise those funds fast, but we just might miss the best part…the journey! Mary shares how to enjoy the journey by doing the following 5 things: 1. Travel with people you like.…Continue reading Episode 119 | 5 Ways to Enjoy the Journey Towards Your Fundraising Goal
Episode 118 | What Every Nonprofit Needs to Know About Social Media with Lauren Davis
Today’s episode features social media expert, small business owner, and nonprofit executive director, Lauren Davis. Lauren lives close to Chicago in Rockford, Illinois, but works with people around the world to overcome their personal branding discontent and grow their presence so that they can focus on sales, exposure, leadership and community impact. She was named…Continue reading Episode 118 | What Every Nonprofit Needs to Know About Social Media with Lauren Davis
Episode 117 – What Breaks Your Heart and How Can You Use That to Raise Funds
Today we may get a bit emotional, but as you know emotions are important especially when raising funds for your cause. In this episode we tackle 3 important questions (that I totally stole from my friend, Mike!). They include: 1. What Pisses You Off? (The Injustice) 2. What Breaks Your Heart? (The Compassion) 3. What…Continue reading Episode 117 – What Breaks Your Heart and How Can You Use That to Raise Funds
Episode 116 | How to Address the Elephant in the Room and Master Your Marketing with Mike Kim
Marketing expert, Mike Kim, joins the show to address what’s working and what’s not in nonprofit marketing. Find out why you need to address the elephant in the room and how to do that by addressing these 3 P’s… 1. Potential 2. Promise 3. Progress Most people are willing to give you a hand up…Continue reading Episode 116 | How to Address the Elephant in the Room and Master Your Marketing with Mike Kim
Episode 115 | The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Growth
Some of us have an easier time than others, but the same thing holds us all back from growth and it comes back to…TRUST. It’s for good reason that our guard goes up especially if you really care about your cause. So how do we overcome our trust issues. These four things will help: 1.…Continue reading Episode 115 | The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Growth
Episode 114 | How to Create a Winning Sponsorship Packet
It is common to assume that our potential donors know exactly how they can give and serve our causes. But could you imagine if you walked into a restaurant, sat down at a table, and the waiter or waitress never gave you a menu? I’m sure you’d be annoyed and frustrated and probably wouldn’t come…Continue reading Episode 114 | How to Create a Winning Sponsorship Packet
Episode 113 – Is Cold-Calling a Good Idea?
Most nonprofit and ministry leaders are determined to fund their mission and often wonder if they are doing everything they possibly can to raise funds, which leads to the question…”Is cold-calling a good idea?” In today’s episode we talk through the most efficient way to cold-call and how to add warm-calls to your marketing efforts.…Continue reading Episode 113 – Is Cold-Calling a Good Idea?
Episode 112 | How to Use Your Strengths to Fundraise
In today’s episode we jump in and look at how we’re uniquely equipped to raise funds using our specific strengths. We talk through the four stages of competence by Martin M. Broadwell (known as the four levels of teaching) including: 1. Unconscious incompetence 2. Conscious incompetence 3. Conscious competence 4. Unconscious competence and Gay Hendricks…Continue reading Episode 112 | How to Use Your Strengths to Fundraise
Episode 111 | The 3 Nonprofit Lies That Need to Die
In this episode, I can’t help but go after the lies that our charities are believing. The three lies that need to die include: 1. There is only so much money to go around. 2. No one wants to give. 3. People only want to give to projects. All three of these tap into the…Continue reading Episode 111 | The 3 Nonprofit Lies That Need to Die
Episode 110 | 7 Steps to Sustainability
In this episode we dig deep into “The Donor’s Journey.” This is the path that every donor, volunteer and staff goes through when they decide whether to link arms with your cause and align themselves with the work you do. The 7 Steps include: 1. Know 2. Like 3. Trust 4. Try 5. Give 6.…Continue reading Episode 110 | 7 Steps to Sustainability
Episode 109 | 3 Reasons Why It’s Hard to Motivate Board Members to Fundraise
In this episode we not only talk through the three reasons why it’s hard to motivate your board members (or advisory group), but we also dig in and talk through what you can do to turn things around. Here are the resources we talked about on today’s show: Free webinar training for board members is…Continue reading Episode 109 | 3 Reasons Why It’s Hard to Motivate Board Members to Fundraise
Episode 108 – What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” -Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company At 15 years old, Ford left home to become an apprentice and if it’s good enough for Ford it should be good enough for us. Growing and learning from others is an…Continue reading Episode 108 – What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
Episode 107 | How to Get Your Message Heard with Michael Hudson
Today’s interview is with Dr. Michael Hudson – a speaker, coach, and “idea-junkie” – who wants to help leaders do work that truly matters. During our time together Michael shares his 3 R’s and gives insight into how we can improve our storytelling so our message not only gets heard, but also get’s repeated. For…Continue reading Episode 107 | How to Get Your Message Heard with Michael Hudson
Episode 106 | The 4 Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Say
There are a lot of things that we may be afraid to say, but these are the four we shouldn’t shy away from: 1. “I Don’t Know” 2. “I Made a Mistake” 3. “I Need Help” 4. “I’m Sorry” In this episode we dive into each one and talk through why they are important to…Continue reading Episode 106 | The 4 Things You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Say
Episode 105 | Begin with the End in Mind
What do you really want? Today’s episode will challenge you to 1.) give your vision language, 2.) use your imagination to mentally create your vision, and 3.) build the plan that will physically create your vision. Every vision needs a mission statement. Here’s the template I share to get that mission on paper… I/We are…Continue reading Episode 105 | Begin with the End in Mind
Episode 104 | How to Recharge Your Batteries When You Feel Burnt Out
We’ve all been there where we feel so exhausted and overwhelmed that something has to change. Burnout is often caused by overwork or stress so to recharge our batteries we need to make time to unplug and relax. Typical signs and symptoms of burnout include: 1. Failure to take responsibility 2. Abuse of food, drugs…Continue reading Episode 104 | How to Recharge Your Batteries When You Feel Burnt Out
Episode 103 | How to Get Corporate Sponsors to Call You with Bridgett Myers
Bridgett Myers is the Chief Development Officer at FosterAdopt Connect (and Mary’s former boss). Bridgett assumed the new role in January 2018 after serving in executive leadership with the American Cancer Society for 23 years. Bridget digs in and shares incredible fundraising tips and hiring advice every non-profit executive leader should know. You don’t want…Continue reading Episode 103 | How to Get Corporate Sponsors to Call You with Bridgett Myers
Episode 102 | How Should Fundraising Really Work with Jason Lewis
Today’s episode features CFRE and AFP Master Trainer, Jason Lewis. Known for his willingness to question deeply engrained beliefs and assumptions of how effective fundraising really works, Jason shares his knowledge and expertise in this episode. If you’re interested in hearing how fundraising should really work, then you need to listen in. Here are some…Continue reading Episode 102 | How Should Fundraising Really Work with Jason Lewis
Episode 101 | The 3 BIG Takeaways From The Past 100 Episodes of The Show
After 100 episodes, I’m more committed than ever to your success. In this episode I share my three big takeaways from the past 100 episodes including: 1. I started this podcast with the intention of teaching others how to raise funds, but I ended up learning so much more. 2. Habits are hard to start,…Continue reading Episode 101 | The 3 BIG Takeaways From The Past 100 Episodes of The Show
Episode 100 | The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Fulfilling Your 2019 Goals
Today’s episode is the last episode of 2018 and the last episode before a new name change for 2019! Catch the #1 thing holding you back and we’ll talk through the 20 things successful people do to achieve their goals so you’re all set for 2019. The 20 things include… 1. They make time for…Continue reading Episode 100 | The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Fulfilling Your 2019 Goals
Episode 99 | The 5 Things Charities Are Doing Really Well
Instead of focusing on what doesn’t work, let’s talk about what is working! On today’s episode, we talk through 5 things that charities are doing really well this holiday season. We reflect back on episodes 72-77 where we talk about the 6 Principles of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini. I share real examples of how you…Continue reading Episode 99 | The 5 Things Charities Are Doing Really Well
Episode 98 | The 3 Questions You Should Ask Before You Do Anything
On today’s podcast we take a trip down memory lane and we look at all the things we’ve wanted. What have you always wanted? Do you want to start a new fundraiser? Build that new building? Pay off debt? We address these 3 questions you should ask yourself… 1. What do I want? 2. Why…Continue reading Episode 98 | The 3 Questions You Should Ask Before You Do Anything
Episode 97 | The 3 S’s to Fund and Fuel Your Growth in 2019 with Wealth Advisor, Laura Waller
Today’s guest is wealth advisor, Laura Waller, with P3 Life Builders where she focuses on helping for profit and nonprofit leaders to live a life of Purpose, Power, and Prosperity. Listen in as Laura shares the 3 S’s to fund and fuel your growth in 2019 including: 1. State of Mind 2. Story 3. Strategy…Continue reading Episode 97 | The 3 S’s to Fund and Fuel Your Growth in 2019 with Wealth Advisor, Laura Waller
Episode 96 | 10 Ways to Give and Not Take on Giving Tuesday
A common mistake made on Giving Tuesday is to tell people “It’s Giving Tuesday!” and then ask for their money. Instead of going that route this year, let’s consider giving and not taking by doing one or more of the following… 1. Share helpful resources. 2. Answer donor questions. 3. Showcase your donors with a…Continue reading Episode 96 | 10 Ways to Give and Not Take on Giving Tuesday
Episode 95 | 25 Ways to Thank Your Donors So They Keep Coming Back
“Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.” — Oprah Winfrey “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” — Tony Robbins It’s too easy to accept other people’s generosity without reciprocating the kindness. As we gear up for the largest giving season of…Continue reading Episode 95 | 25 Ways to Thank Your Donors So They Keep Coming Back
Episode 94 – Part 2: A Deeper Look at the Enneagram and Money
On this week’s show we continue the conversation on the Enneagram where we break down each number by money strengths, weaknesses and advice given by people of the same number. The Enneagram is broken down into 9 types including: 1. The Reformer – The Rational & Idealistic Type 2. The Helper – The Caring &…Continue reading Episode 94 – Part 2: A Deeper Look at the Enneagram and Money
Episode 93 | The Personality Test That Everyone is Talking About
The personality test that everyone is talking about is the Enneagram, which is Greek for the number nine. The Enneagram is broken down into 9 types including: 1. The Reformer – The Rational & Idealistic Type 2. The Helper – The Caring & Interpersonal Type 3. The Achiever – The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type 4. The…Continue reading Episode 93 | The Personality Test That Everyone is Talking About
Episode 92 | How To Turn Grief Into Hope With Laura Diehl
After the death of her daughter, Laura’s life turned upside down. Through the grief, she realized that she wasn’t alone and it later became the start to her charity, Grieving Parents Sharing Hope. On this episode, Mary and Laura walk through the first steps of the Fundraising Freedom process to ensure your fundraisers are innovative…Continue reading Episode 92 | How To Turn Grief Into Hope With Laura Diehl
Episode 91 | The 6 Basic Emotions That Impact Your Life And Work
On today’s episode we talk through the 6 Basic Emotions and how you can use emotion to reach your 90-Day Challenge Goal and bring in more donations to your cause. The 6 Basic Emotions include: 1. Happiness (joy, trust, anticipation) 2. Fear 3. Surprise 4. Sadness 5. Disgust 6. Anger Definition of Emotion: Any conscious…Continue reading Episode 91 | The 6 Basic Emotions That Impact Your Life And Work
Episode 90 | The Single Most Important Office Supply You Need
As you work on your 90-Day Challenge goals, this one office supply could be the difference between reaching or not reaching your goals. Take action and complete this week’s exercise by writing down your 5 goals and completing your list of who you need to be, what you need to do to have what you…Continue reading Episode 90 | The Single Most Important Office Supply You Need
Episode 89 | Take the Year-End 90-Day Challenge
We’re just 90 days away from the end of the 2018 calendar year and the largest giving season of the year! Join us as we take the 90-Day Challenge! Write down your top 25 goals and circle your top 5. As Warren Buffet’s 5/25 Rule suggests, focus 100% of your attention on the top 5…Continue reading Episode 89 | Take the Year-End 90-Day Challenge
Episode 88 | How Your Relationship with Money Can Sabotage or Create Your Success
Your personal feelings around money does make a difference in the donations you bring in. Take some time to evaluate how you handle money personally and professionally and ask yourself the following questions. ⁃ What is your money story? ⁃ What emotions does money bring up? ⁃ What is your new story going to be?…Continue reading Episode 88 | How Your Relationship with Money Can Sabotage or Create Your Success
Episode 87 | How to Handle the Ups and Downs of Fundraising
Every year we experience the four season of winter, spring, summer and fall. Without a doubt spring always follows winter and an up always follows a down. In today’s episode we walk through each season to see how we can come with expectancy for each new fundraising season. Here are the lyrics to the song…Continue reading Episode 87 | How to Handle the Ups and Downs of Fundraising
Episode 86 | How To Turn Busyness Into Productivity
Is it even possible to take back the hours in your day and actually say “NO”? YES! Today, we talk through how to move the mindless tasks from our list so we can prioritize on the big things that actually produce something. Let’s start to value results and not busy work. Listen in to find…Continue reading Episode 86 | How To Turn Busyness Into Productivity
Episode 85 | Why Rest Is Essential to Your Work
In the United States, we celebrate Labor Day and many of us will take the day off to enjoy time with family and friends. As we gear up for a busy end-of-the-year season it’s important that we remember to rest. Resting is a skill that needs to be practiced especially by our selfless nonprofit leaders. …Continue reading Episode 85 | Why Rest Is Essential to Your Work
Episode 84 | How to Become an Unshakeable Optimist
Is it possible to be FOR optimism? On today’s episode we address the following 10 ways to become an unshakeable optimist. 1. Be grateful. 2. Be willing to share your story – both positive and negative ones. 3. Forgive. 4. Be a good listener. 5. Turn envy and jealousy into energy. 6. Smile more. 7.…Continue reading Episode 84 | How to Become an Unshakeable Optimist
Episode 83 | The Power of Being For Something and Not Against It
“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” – Mother Teresa We only have so much mental capacity and it doesn’t make any sense to waste your limited energy on the things…Continue reading Episode 83 | The Power of Being For Something and Not Against It
Episode 82 | 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get What You Really Want
What you do with your life is your choice. You choose to do the work you do. You choose to have the relationships in your life. You choose how much money you make. You choose. If we get to choose what we want then what questions do we have to ask ourselves to actually get…Continue reading Episode 82 | 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Get What You Really Want
Episode 81 | How to Stop Procrastinating in 5 Seconds
Procrastination can take hold of nearly every area of your life—writing a thank you letter, picking up the phone, doing the dishes and so much more. Procrastination is everywhere, but what if you had a tool that could help you quiet the voice in your head and help you knock out your to-do list. You…Continue reading Episode 81 | How to Stop Procrastinating in 5 Seconds
Episode 80 | What Your Donors Are Saying About You Behind Your Back
In this episode we talk about the top three things your donors are saying behind your back, which explains why your donors may be unhappy with you and leave. We talk through what those are and what you can do to turn it around. Ask yourself, do you only care about your donors’ lives because…Continue reading Episode 80 | What Your Donors Are Saying About You Behind Your Back
Episode 79 | How to Handle Anxiety When Putting On a Fundraiser
Anxiety may be one of, if not the worst, enemy of a fundraiser. In this episode we talk through the 4 tips to manage the anxiety and stress of an upcoming fundraising event, how to take care of your body and how a fundraising team can help drastically reduce your anxiety level. Here are the…Continue reading Episode 79 | How to Handle Anxiety When Putting On a Fundraiser
Episode 78 – How to Avoid Being Lonely at the Top
Join me as we take a trip down memory lane. In this episode, I share why I do the work that I do and why this podcast exists. You also get to be the first to hear about my next project. Space is limited for this NEW project, so don’t waste any time in reaching…Continue reading Episode 78 – How to Avoid Being Lonely at the Top